Wednesday, April 8, 2009

435 am wake up call

I received a text at 435 am this morning that was a wake up call in more ways than one. I want to talk today about RESPONSIBILITY. What the text said isn't the story it is what it didn't say that is the story. How many times have you told yourself a story that has gotten you somewhere in life you didn't want to be?

I was awakened to a reality happening in so many lives day after day after day. Oftentimes we don't like to take responsibility for our lives. When we are running late for work it is the traffic's fault for why we didn't make it on time. When we aren't happy at our jobs its because we have "Bad" bosses or co workers. How many of you know what I am talking about? Have felt like life is happening to us and our actions aren't always motivated by us. Well I am here to tell you giving power over to others by thinking it is "They" who did this to us, gets us nowhere.

I want to talk about Choice for a moment. We were all given one thing different than any other life on this planet FREE WILL. I have never been much of a church going person but I can assure you I caught that we all were given the power of CHOICE in our lives. Thats what separates us from animals. My wake up call was surrounding this. A friend in trouble and not realizing that their CHOICES led them to the very undesirable result. The hardest thing is it is tearing a family apart. Leaving Children damaged etc. I won't harp on the negative it is a sad reality of this particular situation. Refusing to see your Choices have led you to exactly where you are up to this point in life. Are you happy with the choices you are making?

Probably the best question to ask is how many of you realize that you are RESPONSIBLE for your life and the state in which you find yourself. In other words if you are in any kind of situation which you deem unreliable you still have a choice. Once you are an adult the best gift you can give yourself is taking full RESPONSIBILITY for your life. My friend has not been able to deal with that fact and is now facing some pretty serious consequences. Over the years many of her friends and family have made excuses, come to the rescue, etc. All this has done is perpetuated the illusion that she is a victim in her life and therefore not responsible for her circumstances. How many of you have felt like victims?

It is only natural to feel powerless or like a victim in many situations. And I even submit that we can be victimized but it is staying in that role where the harm is really done. At what point do we exercise our right to choose to change our circumstance. We have all had things go wrong in our lives for one reason or another but it is how we frame it that determines what it manifests for us. In other words are you aware that all of your CHOICES make you who you are today and therefore have prepared you for greater things. Once you take responsibility and stop telling yourself things are happening to you for which you have no control Life gets better.

I am writing to speak of a wake up call. One that comes like a voice in the night to say WAKE UP! Stop blaming and start reframing. Whatever it is we have the power to change it in an instant. Not one among you reading this doesn't have a story that someone wouldn't say oh poor you. But that isn't the story of your life....The real story is how that experienced shaped you or made you into the wonderful person you are now. I got that very same wake up call about how I was blaming others for my past. It is the realization that I have the power to now say that was the past and to continue to blame is Choosing to be a victim i the presence and I a harming only me. Sometimes it isn't just you that it hurts. What about when there are children involved. They have no way to choose to live elsewhere. How many people have taken our bad decisions/choices out on those around us?

I know this is a bit heavy for any subject but if one person is moved to take RESPONSIBILITY from this and make different choices well then the heaviness was worth it. You have the POWER to make anything happen in your life that you choose. You are either planting good seeds or bad seeds and then pleased or disappointed with the fruit it bears. Remember who planted the seeds. If you have children what are you teaching them through your actions. How many of you have family who maybe we need not enable anymore. Tough love is very tough to do but the very thing needed at times. We all have CHOICES to make so make GOOD ones but whatever the choice take RESPONSIBILITY for it!.

It is early and I a sure I am rambling and this isn't all coming out the way I wish...but I think the gist is clear. I am saddened by the wake up call that I got but it is a reminder to me on how CHOICE is there waiting on me and I must make one or two or three to change my life for the better. My friend will go through some tough times but the fact of the matter is it may be just what she needs to get her wake up call and I shat rob her of that experience though it will be hard to not help. That is one other lesson I have learned along the way in life and also even more recently. I am only responsible for me and can't save everyone else. Sometimes people have to go through the pain or consequence of their choice to have their wake up call. It is not for you or anyone else to take away their lesson or interfere with their blessing.

So ask yourself are you taking RESPONSIBILITY and making CHOICES that net the RESULTS you want? If so Congratulations if not it is NEVER too late! And ask yourself in what way am I robbing others by excusing their choices and trying to bail them out of their problems all the time? If you are then make the difficult decision to CHOOSE to not do it any longer though it may hurt to do so. If you are taking responsibility for you and only you then again Congratulations!

I wish all the very best in life and the most amazing RESULTS! So go out there and Create the life you want. It only takes an instant to see sunshine where there was once rain. Life is about the journey and there are many roads so.....


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