Thursday, April 9, 2009

Missed Connection: Story of the Woulda, Shoulda, Coulda

No I am not talking in terms of flights. I have a confession to make for entertainment I read Craigslist missed connections. When I was younger and lived in DC I used to read the DC City paper's I saw you section same principle. Anyway the truth of the matter is I am a bit disappointed. Sure at one point I dreamt of being the subject of a missed connection/I saw you. But not anymore now I am just sad for those involved

For those of you not sure what I am talking about I will make a bit clearer for you. Basically someone i.e you saw someone that you found fetching alluring if you will but for whatever reason you didn't tell them or act you just "missed the connection". Now here is my big grievance there doesn't have to be missed connections. I mean what is the point of stealing glances at the girl in the red sweater or the guy in the wire rimmed glasses on the train, bus, or at the bar only to chicken out and not act on our impulse. Then you are haunted by that feeling of my favorite triplets woulda, shoulda, and coulda!. Anyone out there know what I am talking about?

Ok sure She/He might have stared at ya like you had 3 heads if you would have said something. Or you could have been the face they have been looking for their whole life. My point is this, why obsess over the very thing you didn't do only to put a post on a website or a newspaper hoping that one person, vaguely described by what they were wearing, a first name, or a brief exchange, would see it and know it was them you were talking/dreaming about. I mean isn't meeting people hard enough without us making it that much harder.

I encourage all of you talk to the girl at the Starbucks who smiles at you everyday in a way that makes you feel its just for you. Actually tell the guy who you see on the way to work everyday that he has the most beautiful eyes you have ever seen. At the very least you will make their day with such interactions. Go ahead Ask them out, tell them what you have longed to say. One of two things will follow after that...they will be flattered thank you and maybe even accept an invitation for coffee, drinks, or whatever people are doing these days for casual meet ups. Secondly they could say "UM no thanks already taken" whatever but YOU WILL AT KNOW. You won't walk through life telling your kids a story about how if you had talked to red sweater in the bar she might be your mother instead..LOL! Guys/Gals REJECTION is never personal!

But Seriously Carpe DIEM you live only once. They might be feeling that you are their missed connection and that is the beginning of your love story. Anything has got to be better than sending out a post to the universe hoping that thee Guy or Girl (object of your intention/affection) will respond with a resounding I was waiting for you to say something.

So cut the suspense save the drama for the movies and Tell Him/Her how you FEEL. Suddenly you aren't beating yourself over the head and at the very least I don't have to read one more MIssed connection of a love starved soul who didn't think they were worthy to speak to a total stranger!

Are you allowing any missed connections in your life? Ask me how to convert into a real thing!

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