Friday, April 10, 2009

Book Review: "Summers Path" by Scott Blum

I haven't read a book from start to finish in a LOOOONNNGGG time. Today I read "Summer's Path" by Scott Blum. It surrounds a story of a man who is suffering from cancer and his journey of a spiritual awakening through the help of an angel he meets in his dreams.

This is a must read for anyone who has ever felt disconnected from spirit and/or suffering from a physical pain that has emotional roots from their past. My mother was recently diagnosed with breast cancer and she is undergoing treatment and though I have known about cancer for a while it is interesting what you learn and experience when it hits home. I don't know the exact number but a large percentage of cancer has been linked to unresolved anger or issues in one's life. That particular point is heavily referenced in the book and what begins the journey for "Don" the main character.

There are several principles highlighted in this book that can help anyone uncover past pains and deep seated issues to then go on an heal those wounds of the past. I have noticed myself how it effects so many of us in the way we live our lives, choose our relationships, careers, etc. So many can benefit from the message of the text in this book.

I also want to say that once you start reading you can't put it down. You are glued to the page throughout the story and it has a transformative effect on the reader. The reason I think so many will identify with the story is that DON is very resistant to the suggestions of the spiritual angel ROBERT. So many of us do not like to listen to the messages that come to us because we are in disbelief of their merit and existence as reality.

One of the main principles discussed in the latter parts of the book is the principle of embodiment. How so many of us are not living in our bodies. We truly are not in touch with the house we live in. It even has a wonderful exercise to help you to better connect on three levels. Spiritual awareness, emotional awareness, and physical awareness. I know many of you reading this may not be aware of exactly what that means and how to achieve it or even believe it is possible but I encourage you to expand your mind. You will be touched by DON's and ROBERTS journey.

There is also a part in the book that I think is really important and goes back to the pains of the past. Some people believe in the existence of past lives. Well the book speaks to how the lifespan of a soul is related to a lesson they must learn before they can move on. Once you learn it you pass on to the next journey. I believe this is true and that speaks to what one of my mentors, David Neagle, suggests that we choose the parents we are born to. We continue to choose paths that will allow for us to learn the lesson we need to learn and we will continue to go through the pain in all lifetimes till we learn it. So I say learn it this go round it saves a lot of time and grief.

Here is the best part of all this is the first in a two book series. The second book picks up with ROBERT and DON's journey in the next phase and is set up with the ending of this one. That book was just released April 7, 2009 and can be bought on or It is called "Waiting for Autumn". I am already hoping that there will be a winter and spring book following this next one.

Stay tuned to the blog to find out about my review of "Waiting for Autumn" . I am excited I am supposed to receive it today in the mail. You can find out more about the author and his books at Right now he is giving away "Summers Path" for free with a purchase of "Waiting for Autumn" so don't wait get them both right now and Happy reading!

Moral of the story is heal yourself of your past and the future that awaits and is waiting on you will have happiness and riches untold!

Thanks for reading and until next time..I am your infoqueen!


  1. Think I might get it. Did you know 1 in 3 people in the UK being touched by cancer?

    Great review

    Best wishes


    Your Hypnotist

  2. Beautifully written review!
    A lesson I learned very well~~that wounds must be healed! Anger,bitterness and sickness are all symptoms I have experienced in my life from avoiding my past demons.Thank you for the info. I
    plan to purchase "Summers Path" and "Waiting for Autumn" shortly.
    ~~June Johnson
