Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Where did the Dark go?

Just wanted to share a very insightful article written by one of my Mentors David Neagle.

People who are able to move rapidly into higher and higher incomes develop a greater awareness of their personal world and what is being created in their personal world. Let me explain the difference between two important words that will assist you in using this lesson to your greatest advantage.

Consciousness vs. Awareness:
People who get stuck in their current reality even though they have a sound understanding of universal laws and personal and business creation principles are not as unconscious as many would think. It's very easy for someone to put these people in a box and say "They are unconscious of what they are doing." After working with many people who have had this "being-stuck-in-their-current-reality-problem," I can tell you that most of them are very conscious of the situation!

Consciousness (or being conscious of what you are being, doing and creating) is a proactive & deliberate intention on the part of the creator. However, it is only the first step in the realization of just how powerful and magnificent you really are. Consciousness sees and understands duality, and it can also get stuck there, which is why you will commonly hear conscious people ask "HOW" to do something i.e. "How do I raise my income to a million?"

There is an intellectual understanding at this level and some conscious deliberate creation has been experienced, but that is as far as it goes. The Conscious Creator will then commonly look for another model to use to change their circumstance and more often than not discovers that it does not work for them the way they had expected. They are very conscious of this.

Understanding awareness is the magic key, so to speak, that dissolves the nature of your reality and allows you to move from one reality to another at will. Awareness itself and by itself is an experience. It's not something you do, but it is what you are.

"Aware people" change their reality as they see fit. When they are done experiencing one reality they simply step into another one. Consciousness wants to know how first and then make changes and then experience. Awareness is all about stepping into the experience first then playing in that experience. To make this very simple, it's much like turning on the lights in a dark room. When you flip the light switch, light fills the room - but where did the dark go? Seriously, where DID the dark go? In truth, it didn't go anywhere - it's still there all around you. If you don't believe me just flip the light switch off and see what happens. You may want to do this several times & really think about what you are experiencing.

Now think about this a bit more in the dark room. You are conscious of the things in the room, but you still see problems because you can't seem to navigate through the dark. When you flip the light switch, your reality changes INSTANTLY and now you can see what you couldn't see before - even though you consciously knew things were there! Because of intellectual understanding, you couldn't see the way. All you could do was attempt to navigate your way around, which is the process of consciously thinking about what you are doing first, THEN receiving feedback from your environment, and lastly reacting to what you PERCEIVE your experience to be. Yes, it's a mouthful but just sit with it for a while...

Okay, now lets move into a making a Quantum Leap...

Many people would love to know HOW to increase their income and better their individual circumstances. The key to leapfrogging (and not stair-stepping ), is to ask, "By staying in my current situation, what purpose is this serving?." You see, awareness turns on the light every place there is dark. Discover WHY you would resist stepping into a different reality - and by discover, I literally mean become aware of why (don't just repeat back what you think) then everything begins to change. Awareness = Quantum leaps. Period. No awareness, no quantum leap.

Would you like to know where your light switch is? Then let me suggest that you attend one of my upcoming live events so I can guide you personally. Just send an email to and one of my team will be in touch to help you decide which of my upcoming live coaching sessions is best for you.

Remember: the reality you want to experience is only a flick of the switch away from you, but you need to be aware of where the switch is.

"Just Believe"

David Neagle, Million Dollar Income Acceleration Coach, mentors entrepreneurs to quantum leap their current businesses past the 7-Figure income level in just 12 months. David invites you to download--as his GIFT to you--his legendary "Art of Success" 4-hour audio program. This audio series is a tremendously compelling and comprehensive program that demonstrates--once and for all--that Success has nothing to do with "getting" or "achieving", and everything to do with WHO we much BE to manifest our hearts' true desires.

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