Sunday, December 21, 2008

Moral: Glass is always half full

As many people know we are in one of the worst economic crisis' of our time.  Granted we aren't in bread lines like those during the "Great Depression" however the media and most people are driving the gloom home.  I want to inspire hope rather than add on to the negative hype out there currently.  I must admit I almost drank the Kool-aid and was ready to believe the economy was going to get us all.  I spoke to several of my friends who had been laid off from jobs some of them really great companies who I wouldn't have thought would have been affected.  I started to be concerned for the overall mentality of those close to me.  Everytime you turned around someone was saying well you know in this economy or with the economy the way it is...well I am here to say ENOUGH.  

I actually see what is happening as a bit of blessing of sorts.  Yes, I know many are wondering how they are going to pay their bills or feed their families but it doesn't have to mean the end of the road.  Did you know that JD Rockefeller made more money during the great depression than any other time in history?  Warren Buffett, the richest man in america, says he has been waiting for this time to come.  More opportunity for those who seek it is present in THIS ECONOMY than those of booming time.  I simply challenge you to use this time to start a business that will flourish in this economy.  The best business ideas are just those that provide solutions to problems.  Well as we all know we have our share of problems that need solutions.  I can tell you this lady is seeking out her own golden opportunities to be the next Warren Buffett, Donald Trump, or JD Rockefeller.  So instead of talking about the economy which admittedly we can't really affect on a large scale we should focus on our economy.  Yes that's right I said our economy.  Your economy is independent of THE economy.  While everyone else is talking about recession, depression, and can it get any worse you can be focusing on can it get any better.  I know people who are having their best years ever.  It is all about framing and attitude.  Ask yourself are you gonna participate in the general populations fascination with a sinking ship or are you on your yacht sailing on calm waters.  I know it sort of sounds like nonsense but it is just that simple to change the way you look at the glass.  It isn't half empty it is half full.   No actual physical change took place just one persons view interpreted it one way and another saw it completely different.  So simple we complicate it.  I intend to become a millionaire in this ECONOMY and am well on my way with plenty of company are you willing to join me and create something out of nothing????  

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